I want to…but HOW do I…

You may have noticed the “how” question popping up just after you’ve unearthed a desire or a dream. Your internal dialogue may go something like this — “My dream is to own a retreat, but HOW will I ever make enough money?” Or, “I would love to run a children’s program but HOW will I find the time?”

This “how” question poses as a logical, rational, helpful question but in truth it is an attack on your dreams. I picture it as this evil, little saboteur whose first name is “Fear” and last name is “Discouragement.” And this evil little monster is always found on the heels of inspiration, passion and every dream I have ever had.

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It is a question that often cannot be answered and thereby leaves us feeling like there is no way to get from where we are to where we want to be. And so we get bogged down and give up. I have found that if I can get untangled from this “how” question and come back to my dreams, then I can continue to move forward. But how do you get untangled from the “how” question? 🙂 By replacing the “how” question with a more empowering question; a question that can be answered. Often I will ask myself “What are you doing right now that is helping you move toward your dreams?” It might not feel like you are doing a lot but even reading this article is you working on your dreams and learning what you need to do to move forward.

If you do notice the “how” question coming up, that is okay. I liken it to my dream’s evil twin, it will be always there but we just need to see it for what it is and keep moving along. I have found that spotting it and identifying it are often enough to stop it in its tracks. Once you have spotted it, see if you can then come back to your dream, enjoy the dream, notice what is already working in your life and think about what things you are already doing (no matter how small) that are helping you work toward your dreams.

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